Over the years, I have collected many great photos of kids playing at home. My memories as a kid are of playing on the swing or the see-saw. When mum wasn’t looking, I would swing on the clothes line. I loved riding my trike in the backyard and out the front of our house on the footpath, as there was a small hill to zoom down. Then there were the cricket games with my sisters (when they were bored) and kicking the footy across the veggie garden with my dad.
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I hope the photos trigger great memories for you. Thanks to the following for sharing their photos: Wendy Pomfret, Jeanette Doherty and Myra Slee.
The rocker featuring the girls Myra and Maisie McLean was at their home. In the 1940s and ’50s, the girls’ parents owned a butcher shop in Maude St called McColl and McLean. Myra married Murray Slee, who became a Shepparton councillor and mayor.
Geoff Allemand is an amateur photographer and Lost Shepparton Facebook page admin. Please share your Pics from the Past at pastpics@mmg.com.au
Children’s tea party.
Boy with a toy car and trailer.
Photo by
Rocker with Myra and Maisie McLean, 1932.
Photo by
A girl in a dog’s kennel.
Photo by
Swinging on the clothes line.
Photo by