Jeff was acknowledged for his work and commitment of service by the outgoing president Craig Peterson who had a link with Finley High School as the head teacher of English in the early 1990s.
Anyone looking to have an enjoyable outing is invited to attend the Movie Morning which will take place tomorrow at the Finley Uniting Church Hall, at 10am.
The hall will be well heated, and refreshments shared so please feel free to go along and enjoy time with friends.
‘Unlocking Hope No. 8 – Understanding Dementia’ is the next presentation by Berrigan Shire Dementia Alliance which will take place tomorrow at the Finley RS Club, 10.15am for a 10.30am start.
An RSVP to 5883 9600 would be appreciated but is not essential.
Remember, together we can make a difference.
As a means of streamlining support, the Berrigan Shire Dementia Alliance will be conducting two morning tea events per month; one in Finley and one in Tocumwal.
These morning teas are an opportunity for people with memory loss or dementia and their loved ones to come together for support and discussion along with representatives of the Berrigan Shire Dementia Alliance.
The Finley function will be at the Country Club Hotel on the first Tuesday of each month at 11am.
The Tocumwal function will be at the Tocumwal Uniting Church opposite the Police Station on the third Tuesday of each month at 10.30am.
For further information contact June on 0430 661 911, Cheryl on 0408 991 481 or Di on 0439 384 315.
Terry Dundon was the lucky winner of last Saturday’s Finley Lions Club wood raffle.
In support of the 120 years of the Finley School of Arts celebrations, Finley Regional Care Auxiliary will be conducting a Local Artisan and Creative Expo in the Finley War Memorial Hall on Sunday, August 25 from 10am until 3pm.
Morning and afternoon tea, as well as lunch, will be available in the Finley School of Arts hall.
The auxiliary invites anyone who would like to have a stall at the expo.
Sites are $25 each. Booking forms are available by email at
General enquiries can be directed to Sue Hand on 0419 831 544 or email
Another interesting item from yesteryear relating to the 120 years celebration was found in the Friday, August 20, 1909 edition of the Tocumwal Guardian and Finley Free Press which read:
“The euchre party and dance held in the Finley School of Arts last week in aid of St Mary’s RC Church was well attended – especially so in view of the stormy night – rain falling in torrents from 7 o’clock till nine.
“Fully sixty people were present for cards and a like number participated in the dance. Miss Batchelder and Mr R Coulter won the prizes.”
The hall has continued to be used for a variety of occasions and plans for the weekend of August 23, 24 and 25 will be just as varied.
More details to follow.
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