
Beyond the Mic | Libraries no longer just about books

So much to discover: With plenty of time at home during the pandemic, books, music, film and TV series are good company. Image: Pexel Photo by Unknown

Do you remember when you weren’t allowed to speak, eat or drink in libraries, there was a strict limit on the number of books you could borrow, and fines could practically send you bankrupt? The Dewey Decimal Classification chart sticky-taped to the end of every wobbly shelf could send you into an Alice in Wonderland-like rabbit hole for many hours, and you still couldn’t find the specific book you needed. You had to arrive with pockets bulging with coins if you wanted to photocopy large documents and nothing ever actually happened there except students studying at small desks on uncomfortable plastic chairs. Also, if you really wanted to fit in at the library, you probably needed to wear glasses.

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